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A scene is a JSON file that stores a list of assets, a list of blueprints, and plugin settings specific to that scene. When you open a saved scene in the editor, the saved assets are created and deserialized (i.e., restored) first; then, the saved blueprints are instantiated one by one, with nodes in each created and deserialized.


In the codebase, blueprints are called graphs.

Accessing Scene Data

You can access the currently opened scene's data using Context.OpenedScene. Then, you can access the in-scene assets, blueprints, etc.:

var scene = Context.OpenedScene;

var assets = scene.GetAssets();
var characterAssets = scene.GetAssets<CharacterAsset>();
var blueprints = scene.GetGraphs();

You can instantiate new assets or nodes:

var newCharacterAsset = scene.AddAsset<CharacterAsset>(); // Instantiate a new character asset
var newCharacterAssetByTypeId = scene.AddAsset("726ab674-a550-474e-8b92-66526a5ad55e"); // Instantiate a new character asset by type ID

var blueprint = scene.GetGraphs().Values.First(); // Get the first blueprint in the scene
var newNode = blueprint.AddNode<ToggleCharacterMeshesNode>(); // Instantiate a new node
var newNodeByTypeId = blueprint.AddNode("e931f780-e41e-40ce-96d0-a4d47ca64853"); // Instantiate a new node by type ID

Context.Service.BroadcastOpenedScene(); // Send the updated scene to the editor


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上次更新于 2024.06.15