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Mixins are a way to reuse code between different entities when inheritance is not an option. They can be thought of a collection of data inputs and triggers with optional, reusable logic.

Type Definition

You can create mixin types by inheriting from the Mixin type, like below:

public class PositionMixin : Mixin {
public Vector3 Position;

public void GeneratePosition() {
SetDataInput(nameof(Position), new Vector3(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value), broadcast: true);

Then you can now include this mixin in any entity subtype. For example, to include the PositionMixin in a custom asset:

public class PositionAsset : Asset {

public PositionMixin PositionMixin;


Same as with assets, you can include mixins in nodes:

public class PositionNode : Node {

public PositionMixin PositionMixin;


Remember to add the [Mixin] attribute. Also, you do not need to assign a value as it will be automatically instantiated when the entity is created. That means you can access the mixin's data inputs and triggers directly:

// Within entity
public override void OnCreate() {
var initialPosition = PositionMixin.Position;

However, methods such as SetDataInput and InvokeTrigger are not available in the mixin itself. The data inputs and triggers still technically belong to the entity that includes the mixin, so you should write:

// Within entity
SetDataInput(nameof(PositionMixin.Position), new Vector3(1, 2, 3), broadcast: true);

To access the entity and its methods within the mixin, use the Owner property:

// Within mixin
Position = new Vector3(9, 8, 7);
Owner.Watch(nameof(Position), OnPositionChanged);

Differences from Structured Data

Mixins are similar to structured data in that they can be included in entities and have data inputs and triggers. However, they work in very different ways:

  • A structured data is embedded and serialized in a data input; a mixin "flattens" its data inputs and triggers into the entity that includes it.
  • A structured data is "lighter" in the sense that it is designed to encapsulate data, not logic, so it doesn't have as much lifecycle events as a mixin.
  • You can have a structured data array in an entity, but you can only have one mixin of a specific type in an entity.

If you are not sure which to use, we recommend to start with structured data first!

Behavioral Mixins

If you need entity lifecycle events in your mixin, you can inherit from BehavioralMixin instead of Mixin. This will allow you to override the following methods: OnUpdate(), OnPreUpdate(), OnPostUpdate(), OnLateUpdate(), OnFixedUpdate(), and OnEndOfFrame(). Refer to Entities page for more information on entity lifecycle.

Built-in Mixins

Warudo provides several built-in mixins that you can use in your entities:

  • Attachable: Adds the ability to attach the entity's GameObject to another asset transform.
  • PlaybackMixin: Adds playback controls to the editor; used in the music player, the MMD player, and the motion player.
  • ToolbarItemMixin: Adds a toolbar icon. This mixin is used in plugins to display an icon in the toolbar. Refer to the Plugins page for more information.

Currently, built-in mixin types are not well-documented. We are working on improving this, but in the meantime, we recommend referring to their inheritors for usage examples.


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上次更新于 2024.06.15