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Communicating with the Editor

Any communication between the runtime and the editor is done through the Service class, accessible via the Context singleton object. For example, to display a popup message in the editor, you can use the following code:

Context.Service.PromptMessage("Hey!", "I'm a message!");

Here are some of the commonly used methods:

  • void BroadcastOpenedScene(): Send the entire scene to the editor. You only need to do this after programmatically adding/removing assets and blueprints to/from the scene.
  • void Toast(ToastSeverity severity, string header, string summary, string message = null, TimeSpan duration = default): Show a toast message in the editor. If message is not null, the user can click on the toast to see the full message.
  • void PromptMessage(string header, string message, bool markdown = false): Show a popup message in the editor. If markdown is true, the message will be rendered as Markdown text.
  • UniTask<bool> PromptConfirmation(string header, string message): Show a confirmation dialog in the editor. Returns true if the user clicks "OK", and false if the user clicks "Cancel".
  • UniTask<T> PromptStructuredDataInput<T>(string header, T structuredData = null): Show a structured data input dialog in the editor. If passed a structuredData object, the dialog will be pre-filled with the data. Returns the structured data object after the user clicks "OK", or null if the user clicks "Cancel".
  • UniTask<T> PromptStructuredDataInput<T>(string header, Action<T> structuredDataInitializer): Similar to the above, but the structuredDataInitializer function is called to initialize the structured data object.
  • void ShowProgress(string message, float progress, TimeSpan timeout = default): Show a progress bar in the editor. The progress value should be between 0 and 1. If timeout is specified, the progress bar will automatically hide after the specified duration.
  • void HideProgress(): Hide the progress bar.
  • void NavigateToGraph(Guid graphId, Guid nodeId = default): Navigate to the specified graph in the editor. If nodeId is specified, the editor will select the specified node in the graph.
  • void NavigateToPlugin(string pluginId, string port = default): Navigate to the specified plugin in the editor. If port is specified, the editor will navigate to the specified port of the plugin.

You can safely assume Context.Service is always available in the runtime, even if the editor is closed.


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上次更新于 2024.06.15