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Wag your tail! The tail asset animates the tail bones on your character. It can also be used to animate hierarchical bones on any character or prop.

A waving tail.

You can also apply this asset to any hierarchical bones, such as animal ears.


To set up a tail, simply select a Parent Asset that the tail belongs to. Then, use the Path dropdown list to select the root bone of the tail.


For best results, the tail should contain at least 4 bones.

If a tail is moving in an unexpected way, use the Reset Tail button to reset the tail to its default state.


The waving feature allows the tail to wag on its own. You can customize the Waving Speed and Waving Range to make the tail wag faster or slower, and to a larger or smaller degree.


Advanced physics settings for the tail.

  • Slithery: 0 is more like a branch swaying in the wind, 1 is more suited for an animal's tail/tentacle.
  • Curling: Bendiness of each joint.
  • Springiness: The higher the value, the more elastic the tail.
  • Reaction Speed: The lower the value, the more resistance there is to movement, like being in water.
  • Rotation Relevancy: The lower the value, the more sluggish the tail feels, and the slower it returns to its original position.
  • Gravity: Force applied to the tail.

Collision Detection

Collision detection prevents the tail from passing through other models in the scene. Currently, only collision detection with characters is supported. You should adjust the Collider Radius such that the tail doesn't collide with the character's body while not staying too far away from it.

Inverse Kinematics

Inverse Kinematics (IK) makes the tail follow a designated IK Target in the scene. Angle Limit is the maximum bend angle of each joint in the tail. If the tail cannot reach the IK target, you may need to increase this value.

Additional Shaping

Additional shaping parameters for the tail.

  • Rotation Offset: Offset angle of the tail's rotation.
  • Curving: Additional bendiness of each joint in the tail.
  • Length Multiplier: Allows the tail to stretch and shrink.

Rotation Offset is useful to make the tail point more upwards or downwards, especially when the model is sitting down. Curving is frequently used to make the tail more round or pointy.


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Last updated on 2024.06.14